Wie Elding, eins der zwei Walbeobachtungsunternehmen mit Sitz im alten Hafen von Reykavik berichtet, hat sich dazu am Wochenende ein ausgewachsener Buckelwal in den Hafen begeben, sich amüsiert die Touristen angeschaut und ist dann wieder verschwunden...
Last two days have been great for whale watchers departing from Reykjavík harbour. There are extremely many minke whales in the area and also a lot of porpoises and dolphins. Yesterday evening was however quite special for us here in Reykjavik harbour, as we had a huge surprise on our way back home from a tour.
When Elding was heading back from a sea angling tour with Icelandic teachers, the harbour authorities called us to let us know that a whale was in the harbour. This turned out to be an approx. 15 meters long humpback whale. It was unique experience for the crew and their guests to be whale watching inside the harbour after a splendid sea angling tour on the bay.
The whale stayed in the harbour for 15-20 minutes and seemed to enjoy the attention of our passengers that were overwhelmed to see such a giant just few meters from the boat. He was just letting us know that he had arrived in the bay.
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